
Jelena T. Lević

This is the first publication in Serbia with a detailed description of species of the genus Fusarium, which could be important within the fields of agriculture, veterinary and human medicine. Numerous data gathered on species of the genus Fusarium in Serbia and ex-Yugoslavia in the period 1894-2007 that had a very important role in the aetiology of diseases of plants, animals or humans, give this publication a bibliographical character.

The publication encompasses the foreword (reviewers about the publication and the introductory word from the author, pp. 1?8), 12 chapters (pp. 9?1170), explanations of abbreviations (pp. 1171?1176), glossary of terms and expressions (pp. 1177?1212) and index (pp. 1213?1230).

1230 pages, 60 plates, 34 schemata, 67 photographs and drawings, 54 black and white and 10 colour plates, 1952 references ...

Chapters are as follows:

  1. The basic properties of species of the genus Fusarium (pp. 9-24)
  2. Species of the genus Fusarium and plant fusarioses in the world (pp. 25-104)
  3. Species of the genus Fusarium in ex-Yugoslavia (pp. 105-246)
  4. Human fusarioses (pp. 247-276)
  5. Mycotoxins and mycotoxicoses (pp. 277-432)
  6. The isolation of pure cultures, genes and mycotoxins of species of the genus Fusarium (pp. 433-510)
  7. The identification of species, genes and mycotoxins (pp. 511-674)
  8. Tests of the pathogenicity, aggressiveness and toxicity of Fusarium spp. (pp. 675-742)
  9. The conservation and the preservation of cultures of Fusarium spp. (pp. 743-768)
  10. Nutrient media, solutions and reagents (pp. 769-842)
  11. Taxonomic systems of the genus Fusarium (pp. 843-904)
  12. Making microphotographs, descriptions and illustrations of species of the genus Fusarium (pp. 905-1170). For each of 53 types of fungi the descriptions of morphology, colonies, sporodochia, conidiophores, conidia, chlamydospores, teleomorphs, similarities and differences with other species, distribution and biosynthesis of mycotoxins, as well as drawings and original photographs of microscopic properties are presented.
    The colour annexes encompass the Illustration of pure cultures of Fusarium spp. on potato dextrose agar (pp. 1133-1160) and the Illustration of different types of sporodochia of Fusarium spp. in situ (pp. 1161-1166).

The publication or only certain parts of it were read by many experts in Serbia, but the following scientists reviewed the book in full: Prof. Dr. Momčilo Arsenijević, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad; Prof. Dr. Srbobran Stojanović, scientific advisor, Small Grains Research Centre, Kragujevac; Academician Prof. Dr. Vaskrsija Janjić, Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Beograd; Dr. Dragica Ivanović, scientific advisor, Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, Beograd.

According to the reviewers opinion, the publication of such a monographic type is unique not only in Serbia but worldwide too. The publication universally presents one genus of fungi that encompasses very significant pathogens of plants, animals and humans. The description of numerous methods, especially those developed at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, provides their multipurpose application depending on the scientific field (mycology, taxonomy, genetics, breeding, mycotoxicology, phytopharmacy, etc.), species of fungi or hosts (plant, animal, human), laboratory equipment or researchers experience in isolation and identification of cultures, genes or mycotoxins. Furthermore, contemporary trends and approaches within this fields, as well as, possibilities in disease control and detoxification of mycotoxins were presented and commented.

This could be the first publication in Serbia that can be used at faculties, institutes or laboratories in order to study fungi and routinely detect and identify species of the genus Fusarium. At the same time, many practical solutions for experts working in agriculture, food industry, veterinary and human medicine, are presented with the aim to produce organic food and to prevent and successfully cure animal and people from diseases caused by these fungi.